Give the gift of
to make an impact
When you give the gift of legacy giving, you can make a lasting impact on the life of others, beyond the measure of your lifetime.

Gifting Through Will
If you have Lions Home For The Elders in mind as a beneficiary in the process of your estate planning, do approach your legal advisor to draft up a will to ensure it is legally valid.

Gifting Through CPF
Please include the below information required on the CPF Nomination Form when you select Lions Home For The Elders as a nominee.
Name: Lions Home For The Elders
Identification Type: Registration Number
Registration Number: S80SS0029B
Relationship: Organisation
Mailing Address: 9 Bishan Street 13, Singapore 579804
Email: lhe.pr@lionshome.org.sg
More information can be found on the CPF website.

Gifting Through Insurance Policy
Please include the below information in your policy nomination if you wish to include Lions Home For The Elders as a beneficiary.
Name: Lions Home For The Elders
UEN: S80SS0029B
Type of Entity: Social Service Organisation
Mailing Address: 9 Bishan Street 13, Singapore 579804
Email: lhe.pr@lionshome.org.sg